Professional Learning Circles

  • Audience:  New & Experienced Leaders, Teacher Leaders, Building Leadership Teams 

  • Zoom Series Cost: $300 Non Member, $150 Member, $0 PLN 

Circle Topics

Budget & Fiscal Management

Facilitator:  Kellen Adams
Dates:  9/25, 10/16, 11/13, 12/11, 1/22, 2/19, 3/26, 4/23
Time:  9:00 - 10:00 a.m.

Participants will:

  • Take a deep dive into the core basics of the KSEEA

  • Analysis of mill rates, mill levies, and how revenue is generated in Kansas school districts

  • Understanding the impacts that enrollment and other weightings will have upon a district

  • Budgeting and management principles to live by, both for buildings/departments, as well as districts

  • Strategies for sharing and messaging to the stakeholders of a district

Aspiring Superintendents


Understanding Advocacy